Alley Lot Committee
The Alley Lot Homeowner Committee consists of a group of homeowners that own Alley Lot homes (of which there are 66 of these types of home in the community).
When built, it was agreed between the builder and the developer, that the front yard landscaping, alley/front walk snow removal for this subset of homes, would be a common expense, shared equally by the Alley Lot homeowners, and contracted separately through the Metropolitan District.
The Committee is charged with identifying the desired level of service for these areas, from among the Alley Lot homeowners and coming up with a budget, which is paid by the Alley Lot homeowners monthly, to present to the Board for inclusion in the next year’s Community budget.
The Alley Lot committee meets every second Tuesday of each month. Please see the running agenda below:
Candelas Alley Lot Committee Agenda.pdfThe Alley Lot committee has canceled their meeting for December 9th, 2024. They will resume their regular meeting schedule in January.
Alley Lot Homeowner Committee
- David Dlugasch
- Jamie Kubik
- Ashley Krier
- Vacant
- Vacant
To Contact the Alley lot Committee please email
The alley committee currently has 2 vacancys. Please reach out to Goodwin CO to apply at