Sustainability Committee
The Candelas Sustainable Development Program provides a comprehensive approach for sustainable community development for the benefit of present and future generations. The Program presents a balanced model to meet environmental, social, and economic needs of the community while accommodating the financial commitments and realities of the development environment. The policies, guidelines, and standards of the Program provide a wide range of activities that are reinforced by complementary sustainable design features included in the Candelas Residential Design Guidelines. Click below for more information on the Sustainable Development Program.
Sustainability Committee Members
- Jeb Benson
- Harvey Newman
- Richard Bolin
- Stephen Jordan
Sustainability Documents
Declaration of Trust for the Candelas Sustainability Trust.pdfCandelas Sustainable Development Plan.pdfHomeowner_QRES_distribution_application_v3.pdfSustainability Resources
- Colorado energy savings calculator – Use the online tool to get a list of available savings based on project type and income level.
- Federal residential clean energy tax credit
- Federal electric vehicle tax credit
- Colorado electric vehicle tax credit
- Get 30% off new electric lawn equipment
- City of Arvada water saving programs and resources
- City of Arvada Energy Action Plan
- City of Arvada Climate Action and Sustainability Plan
- Energy Star NextGen
- Eco-Cycle Center for Hard-to-recycle materials (CHaRM)
- SustainAbility zero waste center
Sustainability FAQ
- Homeowner submits an application for a QRES distribution to community management via e-mail
- Prior to submitting a QRES application for any improvements that include changes to the exterior of a home, the homeowner must submit an architectural review application (ARA). For solar panels, only the first page of the ARA is required, there is no fee, and the ARA is automatically approved if the panels don't negatively impact neighboring properties.
- The application (Can be found under Sustainability Documents) must include appropriate background information, and proof that the claimed costs have been incurred.
- Community management uploads the application to SmartWebs in the Review phase.
- District management and/or the Candelas Sustainability Committee (CSC) check if the property has already received a QRES rebate (to homebuilder) or distribution (to owner), and if any exterior changes have been approved."
- If yes, the application is immediately denied and the Community management will notify the homeowner.
- If no, Community management will upload the application to SmartWebs in the "Review" phase and notify the CSC.
- The CSC reviews the application. The review may be done on an ad-hoc basis in between meetings or during the next CSC meeting. A majority (quorum) of the total number of CSC members is required for action.
- If "approved", the CSC sends and email with the name, address, and distribution amount for each application to Community management requesting to:
i. Move the application to the "build" phase in SmartWebs.
ii. Enter the payment in for approval by two VMD Board members. (CLA)
iii. Add the expenses to the agenda for the next VMD Board meeting for formal ratification by a majority of the Board. (CLA).
- If "declined, CSC will request Community management staff notify the homeowner and move the application to the "declined/withdrawn" phase. The homeowner will be invited to submit another application to the same process as before.
- If "more information needed", CSC will request Community management notify the homeowner, process any additional information in the portal, and notify the CSC when the revised application is available for review.
5. If approved by the Board:
- District management (CLA) will send payment to the homeowner
- Community management (Timberline) will move the application to the "Completed" phase.
- What is the Candelas Sustainability Trust?
- The Candelas Sustainability Trust (“Trust”) was established in 2011 by a declaration of trust (“Declaration”) to facilitate and encourage education and implementation of sustainable community development in Candelas in accordance with the provisions of certain protective covenants and easements (“Covenants”) and the Sustainability development program (“SDP”). The trust was created to provide a flexible, future funding source specifically for residential renewable energy systems installation and related educational and community programs relating to sustainability.
- Who manages the Trust?
- The Trust is administered by the Candelas Special Improvement District No. 1 (the “Trustee”). The Trustee receives recommendations from the Candelas Sustainability Committee (“CSC”).
- What is the purpose of the Candelas Sustainability Committee? Why am I just hearing about it now?
- The Declaration provides for rebates and distributions from the trust to be made to home builders and homeowners who install qualified residential energy system improvements (“QRES improvements”) into homes located in Candelas, and also provides for funding of sustainability programs (“Qualified Community-Wide Sustainability Programs”).
- The CSC establishes the rules and procedures related to 1) the definitions of QRES improvements and qualified Community-Wide Sustainability Programs and 2) applications for and disbursement of rebates, distributions, and funding from the Trustee.
- Determination whether a particular improvement ( made by a homebuilder or a homeowner) is a QRES improvement will be in the discretion of the CSC according to the guidelines set forth in Exhibit A of the Declaration. These guidelines may be amended by the committee.
- The Community-Wide Sustainability Programs are programs which satisfy the guidelines set forth in Exhibit B of the declaration. These guidelines may be amended by the committee.
- No QRES distributions were allowed until 800 certificates of occupancy were issued by the City of Arvada for homes within Candelas.
- Who is on the CSC?
- The CSC is made up of five (5) homeowners.
- How is the Trust funded?
- Each homebuilder is required to pay a Sustainability Contribution to the Trust in connection with the purchase of a lot, which is due when the homebuilder obtains a building permit for such lot. The Sustainability Contribution amounts are:
- Single-family detached: $3,000
- Single-family attached (townhome): $1,500
- Single-Family paired homes (duplex): $2,250
- Multi-family attached (condo): $1,000
- From this Sustainability Contribution, 75% goes to the QRES account, used for funding rebates and distributions, and 25% goes to the administrative account, which is used for Qualified Community-Wide Sustainability Programs.
- Each homebuilder is required to pay a Sustainability Contribution to the Trust in connection with the purchase of a lot, which is due when the homebuilder obtains a building permit for such lot. The Sustainability Contribution amounts are:
- What are the rebates and distributions for and how much are they?
- Rebates (for homebuilders) and distributions (for homeowners) may go towards qualified QRES improvements to encourage sustainability on a PER LOT basis. Rebates or distributions are granted once per lot, for the lifetime of the lot, regardless of ownership. Rebates are the lesser of 65% of the Sustainability Contribution (as defined above) or actual costs incurred by the homebuilder. Distributions are the lesser of 75% of the Sustainability Contribution or actual out-of-pocket costs incurred by the homeowner
- What is a qualified QRES improvement?
- Most rebates and distributions have been for rooftop solar installations. However, we suggest you review Exhibit A of the Declaration for a more comprehensive list.
- How do I know if my homebuilder already claimed the rebate for my lot?
- Contact
- What if the QRES improvement I am considering is not listed on Exhibit A of the Declaration?
- We encourage you to send an e-mail describing the proposed improvement to for the CSC to consider.
- Are QRES improvements that the builder installed when we purchased our home eligible?
- No. The Declaration explicitly states that homeowners are not eligible for a QRES distribution in connection with QRES improvements installed by a homebuilder.
- Are solar leases and power purchase agreements (PPA) eligible?
- Yes
- What if the amount I submit is less than what I’m eligible to receive?
- Distributions are granted once per lot, for the lifetime of the lot, so it’s to your benefit to make sure you submit for costs incurred are at or above the maximum distribution (75% of the original sustainability contribution; see above).
- How do I apply?
- Please see the process on this webpage. Be sure to include details about the QRES improvement including proof of installation and the costs incurred, e.g. receipts, invoices, financing paperwork, etc.
- What is the administrative account for?
- The administrative account will be used to fund qualified community-wide sustainability programs, as well as any administrative tasks that are necessary (e.g. legal consultations). Exhibit B of the Declaration lists some guidelines for sustainability programs; however, the CSC will ask the community for more ideas as the program evolves.
- How do I suggest a project to the CSC?
- Please send your ideas to Timberline at to pass along to the CSC.
There is and we are! But, first, it's important to understand the Declaration of Trust mandates that 75% of the contributions (from builders) to the trust are for the QRES program, leaving approximately 25% of the trust for administrative costs and community-wide improvements. Rather than going on a spending-spree, the CSC and CSID have strategically taken a fiscally conservative approach, invested the funds in an interest bearing account, and have allowed the trust to grow to a point where we can use the interest accrued in the account on an annual basis to fund community-wide improvements. For example, in 2024 we have used $200,000 from the trust to fund major upgrades to the irrigation system with a high return on investment from water savings, bike racks at bus stops, and a tankless hot water heater for the Townview center. In other words, we are taking a sustainable approach to managing the trust for the benefit of the community.
Community Projects-Coming Soon
This information has been prepared by the District to provide property owners with general information and to answer questions regarding the Sustainability Committee. This information is intended to provide an overview and does not purport to be comprehensive or definitive. You are encouraged to independently confirm the accuracy and completeness of all statements contained herein.
Please contact the main office for more information.